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The Vestry is the lay leadership body of our church, made up of elected members, with fiduciary responsibility for the financial and overall well-being of the parish.   The Vestry is akin to the Board of Directors in the corporate world. 


The term of a Vestry Member is typically three years, but there is another term option for candidates ages 16-21, which is a one-year term that may be renewed (via election) twice so that this person may ultimately serve three years.


Members of the Vestry are elected annually at the St. James Annual Meeting, typically held in January.

St. James is committed to the safety of all our members and those with whom we minister.
 Safeguarding Training is required to be completed by all clergy, staff members, Vestry members, the Pastoral Care Team, and those working with children. 

The asterisk (*) after a name indicates they have completed required Safeguarding Training. More information about Safe Church may be found at .

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