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Our church's ability to share our love of God and our love for the people of God is because of you.  Each day we see that in our giving, we receive; a great many people around us and in our extended community receive too.


Betsy Tubbs on tithing, paving the way for Episcopalians in Utah, our stubbornness, and why she pledges.

LEARN:  Stewardship and What is a Pledge?

Stewardship is....everything we do after we say, "I believe".  Stewardship is a whole-life concept, calling for right use of all the resources that God has given us. Healthy stewardship formation, then, obliges congregations to expand their definition to touch on every aspect of faithful living.

Stewardship is about being grateful, responsible stewards of the gifts we receive from God. The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). 

The Episcopal Church sees stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents and volunteering for ministry and mission. It’s about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity.   A spirit of scarcity can tear a parish down. A spirit of abundance can build one up.

Your "pledge" to St. James is your commitment for the year 2024 to your community, to your faith, to your favorite Ministry and to your fellow parishioners.

Ministry Pledge - Choose a ministry or multiple ministries on your pledge card that you can support in 2024.  We'll put you in touch with someone to involve you and guide you in the ministry if you aren't already involved.

Financial Pledge - Make your financial commitment to St. James on your pledge card.  This is what you commit to giving in 2024.  You don't make any payments to the church today.

LEARN:  Proportional Giving
Proportional Gift Info.png
And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:8
Proportional Giving Chart.png
LEARN:  Parish Finances
Parish finances begin and end with Stewardship.  Nearly every dollar St. James has is given by our people to do good with; to share our love of God.   It is our hope that each person who is a part of St. James will commit to being a part of what is to year and all the years to come.   

Details about our parish finances are in the works for the 2024.  Check back soon.
GIVE:  Make your Pledge
2024 Pledge Card.png
ASK:  Meet your Stewardship Committee and Ask Questions
You can send an email to anyone on your committee by clicking on their name.

Stewardship Co-Chair

David Nelson - September 2023.jpeg

Stewardship Co-Chair

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Church Treasurer


Vestry Member

Missional Campaign

Collette for Wix.jpeg

Stewardship Secretary

Pledge Recorder

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