Father Christopher Szarke has been the Rector of St. James since 2018 and is passionate about ministry among us and the larger community. His ministry interests include pastoral care, worship, spiritual development, inreach/outreach, and empowering lay leadership. He served on the Bishop Nomination Committee that brought Bishop Phyllis to our diocese, is one of the chaplains for Camp Tuttle, and facilitates the semesters for theology and ethics and pastoral care at Tuttle School.
He served in HIV/AIDS ministry from 1987-1995, has served in nonprofit organizations, and was a hospital chaplain before beginning parish ministry. His spiritual path includes having been in a Benedictine monastery and Franciscan friary. The oldest of seven, plus two step-siblings, he has 20 nieces and nephews, and several great-nieces and great-nephews. His personal interests include travel and hiking, reading and writing, genealogy, and his three cats, Francis, Aelred, and Hildegard, who are all named after some of his favorite Christian mystics. He recently accomplished a goal of walking The Jesus Trail. Future goals include walking the Camino de Santiago, St. Olavsleden, and St. Francis Way.

The Ven. Robert Shoop is a native Utahn and cradle Episcopalian. He was baptized at St. Peter's (on the old St. Marks Hospital grounds,) confirmed at the Cathedral Church of St. Mark, married to Rolene at All Saints in 1968, and ordained at St. James in 1985. Robert and Rolene became active at St. James in 1975 and have served the congregation since that time.
Robert graduated from Olympus High School in 1965, and received his Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from the University of Utah in 1969. He went on for his Masters in Computer Science, ABD, and received his MBA in 1978. His secular career was in Computer Science, working at Unisys, Enterasys, and L-3 communications up until his retirement in 2014.
Robert and Rolene have two children, Steve and Mike, who where both married at St. James. They have seven grandchildren, all baptized at St. James, and two married at St. James. They also have five and one half great grandchildren. They continue to enjoy camping, especially with the St. James camping group, cruising, and vacationing in Mexico.
In my journey and travels around our diocese I am completing a circle. My family and I came to Utah and St. James back in October 1995. As a Lay Person I participated in many things here in the parish and in 2001 I began a 7-year journey towards ordination. In 2007, I was ordained a Deacon (the foundation of my ministry) at the Cathedral of St. Mark’s. I have a picture of so many people from St. James on that amazing day. Then, in January 2008 I was ordained to the priesthood in the Sanctuary of St. James—another indescribable day. I served at St. James as a Deacon and during the first year of my priesthood. Then, I went to All Saints as Associate Rector (while still being at St. James as the Associate Rector for a few months). I have helped out as long-term supply and then I became the Vicar of St. Stephen’s in West Valley City until I retired in Dec. 2018. Since then, I have been serving as a diocesan supply priest.
I come to you with gratitude and joy that I may continue to serve here at St. James while still helping out with diocesan supply. I assist Fr. Christopher by being part of the pastoral team, filling in when he is gone, and preaching once a quarter. I am not really a staff member, so my time with you will usually be on Sundays or special events. I am excited to be with you again.

Music Director
Seth is the Director of Music and Organist at St. James. In May of 2020, he received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in organ performance at the University of Kansas, where he studied under James Higdon and Michael Bauer. Before attending the University of Kansas, he received his Master of Music and Bachelor of Music degrees in organ performance and pedagogy from Brigham Young University, where he studied with Don Cook and Douglas Bush. Seth is an active recitalist and performs many recitals around the United States every year. Seth is also an active organ instructor and has a large, and ever growing, studio. He loves to share his passion for the  organ with others through his performances and teaching.

Trish has a Master of Science in Accountancy. She has worked in several positions in Accounting, currently she is full-time as a Staff Accountant for a software/tech company. Trish and her husband have one son who currently serves in the Air Force. They are empty nesters now and are still figuring things out. The hardest is trying to cook for two, they really did not notice how much their kiddo ate. They are really enjoying outdoor activities, and recently started kayaking and love it.

